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Father’s Day Gift Membership

Buy as a gift

Give the gift of membership of the Model Railway Club to your father for Father’s day.

Your father will be enrolled as a member for the remainder of 2023 at the special reduced rate of £35, PLUS for those living with a UK postal address receive one of three MRC exclusive free gifts, worth up to £25.

At the end of 2023 they will be offered the chance to renew their membership at the full year rate (currently £70 for those living or regularly working within 35 miles of Keen House, or £42 for those living and working beyond 35 miles from Keen House).

Please specify if you would like the membership welcome email and gift sent to you as the purchaser, or directly to the new member.   If the latter, please indicate if you would like the welcome sent as soon as possible, or in time for Father’s Day. Last date for posting free gifts for delivery by 17th June is Tuesday 13th June 2023. Offer closes on Sunday 18th June 2023.

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Free Gift Choice

MRC Mug, King's Cross Mug, MRC conflat wagon

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