Budleigh Salterton in OO
Gus Paul
22nd April 2020
2 minutes

I’ve been busy plotting my version of “Budleigh Salterton” – and been laying out the track to the plan here, using the original signal box plan.
I intend to run my southern stock to represent the 1930s and my BR Southern Region stock to represent the late 1950s/early 60s
The boards are from Grainge and Hodder (https://www.graingeandhodder.co.uk/store/c1/Featured_Products.html). They are very nice and fit together easily. I have two 1200mm X 400mm and a 900mm x 400mm corner module that I haven’t glued yet. They are very very lightweight at the cost that 6mm ply is not quite thick enough to feel totally robust. I will probably get one of their traversers shortly.
Originally one straight board was for the goods yard, one straight board was the station and the curve is a scenic cutting. But I wonder if I need to use both straights for the yard and buy a wider straight for the station area now I’ve laid the track out and looks at the platform spacing (see header picture)
The track is Peco bullhead and streamline points. I need to lay the cork underlay next.
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